Friday, July 11, 2008

I have a problem

D: Your Sex blog entry is completely wrong. I read the Marcus Borg e-mail, I saved the Marcus Borg e-mail, and most importantly (I went back and checked), I responded to the Marcus Borg e-mail thanking you for sending something that enlightens me and promising to get to your other e-mails this summer. But you don't remember that because you're so busy tearing me a new one for not reading the Marcus Borg e-mail, which I did. You're probably right on the money when you say that I'm afraid of getting really deep into religious discussion because I want to avoid the topic, but before you accuse me of not reading your e-mails, please get all the facts straight.

Me: I thought your email said you were putting all those emails aside (Marcus Borg included) to read sometime in the summer. Apparently, I misunderstood. Or misread. I apologize for mischaracterizing you.

Me: I don't mind you calling me out when I have made a mistake, but I really didn't appreciate the tone of this email.

D: I did that on purpose to convey how much I didn't appreciate you completely ignoring me telling you that I read the e-mail and appreciated it. That really pissed me off.

Me: I'm sorry I made you angry. And I'm sorry I didn't get my facts straight. I'll post your response later this evening.

D: I accept your apology.

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